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80 Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States
Seeking: Female 55 - 72
Occupation: Technical / Science / Engineering
73 Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Seeking: Female 22 - 50
Occupation: Technical / Science / Engineering
53 Columbia, South Carolina, United States
Seeking: Female 21 - 30
Occupation: Technical / Science / Engineering
I'm a strong traditional man looking for a traditional woman to share my life with. I'm very intellectual, highly accomplished, and well-respected amongst my peer groups. I'm an exceptional communicator and I live a life of purpose. My heart is not scared from bad experiences and I have a very high emotional IQ. My wife of many years passed away some years ago. Now, I'm on to the next phase of life. All I lack is a life companion to share this journey with. I have many hobbies including bowling, fishing, hunting, boating, computing, gaming, and writing. I'm also a passionate and considerate lover who is able to bring out the best in my partner. If you are looking for me, then I'm looking for you. I'm not religious, but I'm very spiritual. Energy and traditional values are everything. I have a very sharp wit and I love to laugh. Ladies, I'm quite a good cook too. Imagine waking up to breakfast in bed. No problem. I love romance. I have no problems with commitment and Im not looking to simply whore around some country. I'm ok with just me and my queen living our lives together. I take my role as a partner/husband seriously. I will protect, provide, and defend. My track record is proven. However, I will only provide those things for a woman who is serious about her role. I can promise you this, with me, you will be safe and secure above all else. I have no problem being faithful as long as you do your part. Let's chat to see if we have chemistry. Im not looking for a piece. Im looking for my peace.
51 Seattle, Washington, United States
Seeking: Female 26 - 50
Occupation: Technical / Science / Engineering
I've worked in computer science for many years and enjoy researching a wide range of topics, including medicine, microbiology, chemistry, physics, and other subjects to satisfy my curiosity. I've traveled to many countries in Asia and Europe and would love to spend a vacation on a tropical island with paradise-like nature. I am researching Daoism, also spelled Taoism, is a philosophical and spiritual tradition that has its roots in ancient China. Daoism emphasizes several key principles and concepts: 1. The Dao (Tao) : The central concept of Daoism is the "Dao" or "Tao," which can be translated as the "Way" or "Path." The Dao is the fundamental, unnameable, and ineffable principle that is the source of everything. It is the natural order of the universe and the way things naturally flow. Daoists seek to align themselves with the Dao and live in harmony with it. 2. Wu Wei : Wu Wei, often translated as "non-action" or "effortless action," is a central Daoist principle. It does not mean complete inactivity but rather refers to acting in accordance with the Dao, without unnecessary effort or resistance. It is about going with the flow and not forcing things. 3. Balance and Harmony : Daoism emphasizes the importance of balance and harmony in all aspects of life. This includes balancing opposing forces (yin and yang), balancing physical and spiritual aspects, and seeking harmony with nature and the universe. 4. Nature and Simplicity : Daoists often look to nature as a source of wisdom and inspiration. They value simplicity and naturalness and believe that living in accordance with nature leads to greater well-being. 5. Yin and Yang : Daoism incorporates the concept of yin and yang, representing the dualistic nature of the universe. Yin is associated with qualities like darkness, passivity, and receptivity, while yang is associated with qualities like light, activity, and assertiveness. Balance between these opposing forces is crucial for health and harmony. 6. Immortality and Longevity : Some Daoist traditions include practices and beliefs related to immortality and longevity. These practices often involve meditation, breathing exercises, and herbal remedies aimed at extending life or achieving spiritual immortality. 7. Inner Alchemy (Neidan) : Daoism includes the practice of inner alchemy, where individuals seek to transform and refine their inner energies (qi or chi) to attain spiritual enlightenment and longevity. 8. Simplicity of Living : Daoists advocate a simple and modest lifestyle, free from excess and materialism. This simplicity is believed to bring inner peace and contentment. 9. Mysticism and Meditation : Daoist practices often include meditation and mystical experiences aimed at gaining insight into the nature of reality and the Dao. 10. Anarchic and Anti-authoritarian Themes : Some Daoist texts contain themes of resistance to authority and a preference for decentralized, natural governance. The Dao De Jing, one of the most famous Daoist texts, contains passages that question the value of rigid social structures. Daoism is a diverse tradition with various branches and practices, and not all Daoists adhere to the same beliefs and principles. It has had a significant influence on Chinese culture, including traditional Chinese medicine, martial arts, and philosophy.
42 Chicago, Illinois, United States
Seeking: Female 28 - 34
Occupation: Technical / Science / Engineering
Short Version: Just a fun loving, ambitious guy looking for a fun loving, ambitious girl to conquer the world with. It'd be great if she had her own minions, as my supply is running a bit low (I've got more on back order, but you know how it is with Home Despot.....). Long version: I wear more hats than Bartholomew Cubbins. Fitness and healthy eating are very important. I lift 4-5 days a week, with some HIIT cardio mixed in here and there. I eat Keto day-to-day, but have no problem splurging. I'm a construction engineer. I manage large, complex road and bridge projects. I love making you late for work. I cook. Ask me about my awesome dinner parties. Specialty: Plum Braised Lamb. I'm handy. I did about 50% of my condo renovations myself. I'm currently on the lookout for a house to tackle, shooting for near 100% myself. I'll probably leave the gas lines to an expert. I make wine, beer, whiskey, and everything in between. Don't tell the ATF about the whiskey. My specialty is mead (alcohol fermented from honey). My greatest achievement is a 20% Russian Imperial Stout. In Soviet Russia, beer drinks you! I volunteer, mostly military charities. Wounded Warriors, Soldier's Angels, etc. I'm a beekeeper. Don't worry though. My bees have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior. They won't sting you, but they will pray for your salvation. I'm not from Chicago, and my family is pretty far flung. We're pretty tight knit, so I travel a couple times a year to go visit them. Visiting other places is great, don't get me wrong, but as a single guy family is better. I do have my list of places I want to visit, I just need someone to go with me. I dance badly. Really, really badly. There are UN Resolutions against my dancing, but that doesn't stop me. I'm a bibliophile. My house will always have a lending library. I actually own a bar code scanner explicitly for this purpose. I rescue animals. Sometimes from burning buildings, but mostly from shelters. Disclaimer: House, wife, 2.5 (step?)kids, dog, white picket fence, etc, etc. That's the goal. I'm looking to "date with purpose", not for fun. ~If you're not in it for love; If you're not, willin' to give it all you got; If you're not in it for life; If you're not in it for love..... Let me make it clear, to you my dear.... If you're not in it for love, I'm outta here!~ (Shania Twain) (Disclaimer: I'm 42. It won't let me change my birth date unless I give it more information than I feel is safe.)

