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68 San Diego, California, United States
Seeking: Female 45 - 65
Occupation: Legal
51 San Luis Obispo, California, United States
Seeking: Female 39 - 50
Occupation: Legal
I’m a really wonderful person - just ask me. I’m thoughtful, caring, compassionate, funny, easy-going, generous, … Did I mention funny? There; now that that’s out of the way: I’m a retired probate and trust lawyer. Well not so much retired as disabled. (Fortunately, I’m more financially secure that I was when I was working.) While surfing in December 2018, I was hit in the head by another’s surfboard and drowned. I was given CPR and resuscitated, but woke 6 days later with a C4-5 spinal fusion and a prognosis that I may never walk again. I’m very fortunate that the prognosis was incorrect - my spinal injury is not “complete” (like Christopher Reeve’s was). It is “incomplete,” which means I have use and control of my body, but the nerve damage was substantial and is slow to recover. I will always have noticeable effects and limitations, but I continue to make slow progress. I have always been an optimist and consider the glass half full. I often say, “It is what it is.” (If you know the fable about the White Horse, kudos to you.) For the first year I used a wheelchair, but I threw that aside (figuratively) as soon as I got use of my legs back. For the last almost 2 years now I have used a walker - though I’m really really slow, and it appears that I will need to use a walker for a long long time to come. I fight each day to make a little more progress, which is truly by the millimeter. What is most challenging is that I have limited functional use of my hands, but I continue occupational therapy and make slow progress there too. If you are still reading, you are either really bored or you otherwise have a soft spot in your heart for the crippled guy - a person who takes in strays. I grew up in Southern California. I got out of there as soon as they started putting in toll roads. I took a “vow of poverty” to stay in San Luis Obispo - where I have lived for the last 25 years, and have never regretted it for a moment. Before my accident, I was very active - always go-go-go: surfing, golfing, snowboarding, baseball and softball, backpacking and camping and hiking, travel, etc. Since my accident, well, … my world has gotten pretty small. Covid mirrored that as everybody’s world seemed to shrink by sheltering in place. I have a host of friends and a wonderful support group. I keep busy teaching law school online and working with other attorneys and former clients. I have always considered my life’s purpose - be it work or otherwise, to be helpful to others. My personal goal for as long as I can remember, though I have obviously fallen way way short, has been to try and help someone each day - but they cannot find out about it; if anybody finds out about it, it doesn’t count. (So I can’t tell you about the times when I did a good deed because then you would know and then it wouldn’t count.) I love binge watching Game of Thrones and Shameless. If you get Shameless, you get me. It is said that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. If so, I am witless. I see humor in everything. (If you don’t learn to laugh at yourself, you will miss the greatest joke in your own generation.) I always laugh and am exceedingly slow to anger. I am very much a “live and let live” kind of person. I do not watch the news, and I do not talk politics - even with people who agree. I consider myself Libertarian in many areas and think government is too big. There; that’s enough of that! I do not drink. I stopped many years ago because it was ruining my life. I hang out with lots of other people who don’t drink anymore either. It is a very fulfilling life and gives me great purpose to be helpful to others. But I of course absolutely do not mind at all others partaking - be it wine with dinner or letting loose on the weekend. I enjoy cigars and consider myself an aficionado. To one who does not smoke cigars, it is not enjoyable to be sure. But their development and creation is akin to winemaking; the various blends for a developed pallet are noticeably remarkable. And I gotta have my coffee. I have no children of my own but am now adopting (adult adoption) my 26-year-old stepdaughter who is truly the most amazing person I have ever known. The adoption will be completed in November 2021, and I will thereafter finalize my divorce. My (soon to be ex) wife was incredibly supportive during all of my accident and recovery. But it turned out that she, unbeknownst to me, had “left” our then-15 year marriage in 2017 -- a year before my accident. (Details intentionally omitted.) So what does the future hold? Who knows? I would think most people in the end want the same thing: a wonderfully compatible companion to share life’s ups and downs - - with emphasis placed on “compatible” and even more emphasis placed on “wonderful.” I don’t know if it is “unfortunate” (reference White Horse story) or not, but my future apparently does not include a lot of surfing, golfing, snowboarding, baseball and softball, backpacking and hiking, etc. It looks like for the remainder of my life I am relegated to being a spectator. So it looks like if I find that “wonderfully compatible companion,” it will be someone for whom these activities are not on the top of their to-do list, or at least with me keeping up. Fortunately though, travel can be a spectator sport, and so that is where I am putting a lot of my focus and energy. Well, that and I plan to learn to scuba dive. I have countless friends and acquaintances and am not looking for online chatting and correspondence. I’m not looking to casually date. Nor do I have a “need” to find a LTR. But I figured “what the hell”, I might as well look online and maybe - just maybe, there is some incredibly wonderfully compatible person out there at this moment. Someone who makes me want to drop everything and go to the ends of the earth to be with them and want to stay with them always; someone with whom I’m destined to share life’s ups and downs, whether that be here in California or wherever she lives - or maybe even in a bungalow in Costa Rica or Kauai? One never knows :-)
57 Dallas, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 45 - 55
Occupation: Legal
I've been stolen, no longer available, unless I get returned for a refund. Maybe her Mother will not like me and tell her to send me back. So I must ask, if I delete my profile, is it really gone? If it is, no one will read this. But if someone does read this - just know, I am not likely to respond because I've been stolen. I am about to have an empty nest - after raising my daughter on my own the last couple years, she is going to college. I live near Dallas, Texas but since I am no longer tied to a school district, I can move to another state or perhaps another country. My options are much greater, including romantic. For the last couple years I have had very little time for a romantic life and I was unable to travel. Now I hope to find my place in this world and someone to share it with. I enjoy ballroom dancing, though I need lessons - it has been a while since I had someone to practice with. I would love to find someone to take more lessons with me and help plan a trip or event where we can put those lessons on display. Or we could take Tennis lessons - unless you have skills and want to win a lot while you teach me. In turn, you can be my Passenger Princess when we ride my Harley someplace just to see what is there, and I'll always treat you like a Princess when we are exploring some place we have never been, or re-exploring someplace we have. Life is just too short to sit around waiting. BTW, I also have a Private Pilot's License, am an avid outdoorsman, and I have a tool belt (i.e. I can fix things.) Find me, or help me find you. Let's go explore together.
39 Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 40
Occupation: Legal
44 Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 44
Occupation: Legal
59 Huntington Beach, California, United States
Seeking: Female 30 - 48
Occupation: Legal
72 Palm Springs, California, United States
Seeking: Female 21 - 35
Occupation: Legal
34 Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Seeking: Female 21 - 34
Occupation: Legal
65 Daytona Beach, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 50 - 58
Occupation: Legal
51 Santee, California, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 35
Occupation: Legal
50 San Gabriel, California, United States
Seeking: Female 27 - 51
Occupation: Legal
31 Parsippany, New Jersey, United States
Seeking: Female 25 - 50
Occupation: Legal
54 New York, New York, United States
Seeking: Female 21 - 43
Occupation: Legal
37 Orlando, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 22 - 39
Occupation: Legal
my name is Shane i write with my my left brain , i really dont do anything acceptable in my culture, down to earth. quite ,private person kinda like to be bothered but thats life. i love with my satanic mom but i love her becouse i made the choice to everyday and it =sgetting better since my dad passed, sometimes i feel like running and cant see the future ahead of me ,cant miagnei being married in this house.so i chose to be single ,and what else since there rock mmusic playing the backroud which i detest the positive side of the day is ill get some nice peppers with rice in them to watch footbal whch y dad loved and i find it relaxing enough if the announcers r safe. florida playing utah college game my prediction is 27 17 florida , i like inscect and push the boundries with food and drink, americans ive known at least dont put fruits or straweberrys or herbs in their coffees everything here is like a chain cmoing out of your stomache. ive taled to fiipains alot i like very much bt we dot seem to connect mentaly theyre sarter in smoe ways and smoe ways not i heard chnia was more developed than any pther in the world, im not the most attracyes to asians i just see the heart filioinas r the best so far but ive only seen a few chinese around the world and i guess we shouldnt have that issue, so good for us? and i used to spend time at a mexican rest. than when i felt things get dangerouse id leave and found my way to an asian reastraunt and really they were like family i never got close to anyone , my life has been full of riddles , i could change but choose the surreal over thinking im smart and figured things out thats when people go to hell and never thought they would , im ny opinion. i could be wrong we need peole of everything and maybe that will change in the futre , maybe we 1 or 2 can talk as pen pals if you give me the honor? i could visit one day, i wouldnt be afraid if my pen pal said it was ok thats what some people do anyway, imgagine the filipina women traveling and men to work in muslim countries or western and find themslves enslaved to sex perverts murder rituals and all that shit . they still want to try , so if they can do that others can go to china so far i stay with mom and uplift my citry thats my core beliefs, it m akes the world larger bit by bit. something i need. well internet exsist why are you on here? lets see or you hear il see what is your dating cultur? what is your talent? i be women have an inturion men dont carry but r weaker. seems things are going backwards huh. the king will come soon all we can do is postpond judgments and be worthy to find peace, serve and last til it al becomes worth asking for. not the most exciting thing but it can change a perspective, many serve christ know hes king but dont publicly say it becouse their in that position hwoever everyone thinks theyre in that psosition, and so than what do u do as receivning revaltion of HIS presence and spirtualy incled and gifted from birth. lets chat theres no orginal sin people r responsbile cant blame God cant blame a devil cant blame cnagles dragons or energy, they are all Gods creation , accept holy spirit. its crazy everyone is so wise and im not even wise the only thing i think is do your best and know others have u around the corner already and i have others thats my prayer for the world . let everyone see something special others dont see hide some make some known some unkonw spread it abroad , thats how broken american is and much of the world i hope not everywhere in china but if one chinese is hurting or american so is all and our two countries especially usa us more accoutbale to reach the nations. well talk about the other stuff later, its prob not gonna let me write all this. what do you think about the unvierse ,ect your life , town , ect president child labor abortion homosexualitsy, fornication honoring parents?
42 Denver, Colorado, United States
Seeking: Female 23 - 42
Occupation: Legal
59 Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Seeking: Female 30 - 49
Occupation: Legal
45 Lynnwood, Washington, United States
Seeking: Female 22 - 49
Occupation: Legal
35 Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Seeking: Female 23 - 48
Occupation: Legal
35 Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
Seeking: Female 35 - 40
Occupation: Legal
37 Berkeley, California, United States
Seeking: Female 22 - 41
Occupation: Legal
50 Cherry Hill, New Jersey, United States
Seeking: Female 21 - 33
Occupation: Legal