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65 Fullerton, California, United States
Seeking: Female 24 - 40
Semi-retired. I think a lot. Imaginative. Honest. Blunt. Realistic. I know what my purpose is. I have a destination and a roadmap for getting there, in a co-created sacred union with you. You’ll feel safe, because I understand where the human world is headed, and how to survive it. You’ll feel loved, because I would only enter into an intimate relationship with a woman I loved. You’ll feel happy, because I have the ability to write and perform comedy. You’ll feel supported because I want your full feminine power, dark and light. You’ll feel aroused if we have enough connections, and you understand how I’m offering the highest status of all: first-hand experience of what we’ll experience when we die. If you don’t know what you’ll experience when you die, then the worst case is possible (unimaginable suffering forever), and you have no way of stopping it. If you do know, then you’ll know why you’re here, and how you should live while you’re here. And I’m not talking about religion. I don’t believe in any religion. Suppose you had a magic wand and you could create your dream guy: richer than Bill Gates, President of the US, smarter than Einstein, more handsome than any movie star, funnier than any comedian, the greatest athlete, a great singer, a courageous warrior, hot, good in bed, and he loves you. Can you think of anything greater for you than that? (And if you can, throw that in also). Well, there is something better for you than that. That guy is powerless to protect you from death. So you are helpless, and at the mercy of whatever happens then. You might say, “I live on through my kids.” Yeah, but what about YOU? Or you might say, “When I die, I just cease to exist, and that’s it.” Then why are you afraid of death? You: “I’m not afraid of death.” Me: “Bullshit.” What’s better for you than Mr. Dream Guy is a guy who can bring the two of you to a “One-With-All-That-Is” experience. When you’re one with everything, you’ll “know” everything, and that’s the definition of enlightenment. Death would then be nothing to fear. You would know what matters in life. That is the ultimate happiness, the ultimate prosperity, the ultimate status. Other people have experienced this. Scroll down to “Describe the Ideal Relationship”. My personality is very cognitive. I think about things more extensively and deeply than most people. Things that can only be seen cognitively are real to me, only ideas to most people. I also seek a deeper level of intimacy than most people. Honest. Blunt. Persevering. INTJ-A. I think in terms of solutions, not problems. Imaginative. Attracted to intelligence. My attitude: a small percentage of humanity is constituted with no ability to perceive the emotions of others (no empathy, sympathy, or conscience). They know only their own emotions and desires. They trample on everything that is not them to get what they want. Eventually they destroy everything. The scientific term for them is Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD). It is a long-term pattern of manipulating, exploiting, or violating the rights of others without any remorse. This behavior causes problems in relationships, in work, and is often criminal. Natural selection favored those who desired to be in a group. But APDs survived in the gene pool because they hoarded. Today they are so wealthy that they control and dominate the human world, which is a gangster state. So everything is screwed-up. Nobody goes to jail (unless they’re poor). Insanity makes the world go ‘round. Sanity is only possible through connection to Spirit, All-Being, what people call God. “Without that connection you perceive yourself as an isolated fragment in an alien and hostile universe.” - Eckhart Tolle. There is a higher status/prosperity/happiness than being rich and powerful. It’s that of one who has had a union with Infinite Intelligence, and has some wisdom about what will happen to you when you die, and how to conduct yourself while you’re here. If you don’t know what will happen to you when you die, then the worst possibility is just as likely as any other possibility, and money and power can’t keep you from dying. I believe you can get that connection to All-That-Is, because other people have done it. My passion: I am passionate about deepening intimacy. I want you to feel safe, loved, supported, happy, and aroused. We can connect with All-That-Is through intimacy, and then share what we’ve learned with the world.. I have studied Deida, Margot Anand, Wade, Tolle, and Eben Alexander. Masculine but not a jerk. There for you but not a wuss.
66 Fullerton, California, United States
Seeking: Female 36 - 56
55 Fullerton, California, United States
Seeking: Female 31 - 55