
non religious Chinese Men Interested in Friendship

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38 Fuzhou, Fujian, China
Seeking: Female 20 - 31
Religion: No religion
The woman, to believe that the warm and beautiful, and confidence, dignity, and strength of these old words. Do not depraved, vanities and confused, the Redeemer himself, hurt others. Do not agree with those who have disguised core and alternative. They are not things you can do to find out its own laissez-faire have nothing to do. The real core of the heart. You have to have a strong heart. To be at the mercy of the passage of time, do not grind fold and yield convictions. To make love to life. The youthful so short, not to sigh. To occasionally ask themselves, they are why. The grief and sorrow, and 嚎. After washing the face cried, clapping his face, and squeeze out a smile to themselves. Do not rub, otherwise the next morning to the eyes. Give yourself a brighter future and goals. It will be recalled that often looked up to the sky. Remember when the sky will also look at the feet. At no time will any person asked you, there are a number of love, the answer is two times. One is that he loved me, and I do not love him. Once I love him, he does not love me. Good love forever in the next. Don't give the same two men hurt you. Don't believe the oath. The alias value of virginity, but remain pure. Don't easily say "love". Don't take offense base really love. A man for practicing their own to delight you, never so deeply moved. The cigarette burn on him, the next one will be hot on you. Take a look at a man's friends, noting that his friends to the woman's attitude. Also, do not believe that one is not prepared to introduce you to his friends circle of men. Do not believe in love with the people. You don't have to break up with the evil words. The lessons learned, but do not regret it. I regret is useless. The country dry and photos, letters, and Journal of such a kind of 三 love drama before it was dry. Believe In Love. I believe there are good men, unmarried, also in the expanse of the sea, looking for you. The fact that "man is not a good thing", which makes people think that you subscribe to countless people. To protect yourself, do remember. For some of us, you don't have to cherish, but for their families, you are precious. Do you know, love, sorrow, want to go home, to give me a call, to talk to people that do not lay in his heart. To know that you do not lack of love, so we are in. In the mirror, be sure to smile and say to myself, I am very cute. To campaign, to health, not lazy, non-smoking. Do not sleep late nights. Love the material properly. Always be aware of the Spirit are even more important. More than those of the table, designer, fashion, more beautiful are your own. Piety of heart, but have their own ideas. Do not blind obedience, everything is exactly how you would like to ask themselves. There are ideas to cried out. Read philosophy, science, psychology, do you think that some of the tedious book. Know the basic rules and common sense. More listening to good music. Promising movies and pictures. The Art of love, but not in the art of their own. Do not despise the working people. Do not be ashamed of labor. The land is not dirty, it is easy to smell of sweat smell. Please respect those who seem to be living conditions worse than you, because it is the respect for themselves. Always be sympathetic to those living on the ground floor. Do not underestimate the money. May wish to earn earned. Pocket Money, don't deny any a beggar. We are not alms to a beggar, a charity for more than we need. The camouflage of beggars, also at the begging of the Beggar's mood. More than happy to take. No matter how tired, on the bus to the elderly and pregnant women have. My friends hurt, do not doubt the friendship, but beware of betraying you. Excuse me, but are not forgotten. Life is a naive child, keep in mind that some reasonable sense. To be happy, to be cheerful, to tough, to warm. This is the character.
49 Shaoyang, Hunan, China
Seeking: Female 30 - 43
Religion: No religion
自况词 三湘男儿, 志比天高, 命如纸薄。 十年寒窗苦读, 廿十载文坛拼搏, 岁月徒蹉跎。 虽曾蒙人厚爱, 特聘专栏作家。 奈何文风日渐下, 愤而拒应答。 人生在世当自立, 我慕清高人尽弃。 功难成、 名未就、 利无缘, 文章满腹难充半日饥。 爱也逃、 情也避, 华年虚度 落魄天涯 萍踪无处寄。 至今犹对天上月, 守孤寂。 夜来闲吹幽怨笛, 对影聊捉手中机。 托鸿雁, 寄情思, 问人寰, 知己红颜可能觅? 但愿妹非俗世客, 能相亲 可相爱 堪相伴 愿相守 共效梁上燕! 本人是一业余作家,辑有小说集《山村轶事》、诗集《黄龙诗集》,最近于爱花城发表有小说《华威先生系列》、《阿钱的钱包》、《丰年》、《参赛》等,欢迎各位有兴趣者前往调阅。 本人过去一直在广东打工,从事文化传媒工作,现已返湘。 本人久盼执手共剪西窗烛的温馨,渴求红袖添香夜攻书的惬意。希望在这里能找到我的那个她,帮我一圆“执手共剪西窗烛、红袖添香夜攻书”的梦,花前月下,牵手一生;落日余晖里,笑看春风,白首偕老。   期待你的出现,执手共剪西窗烛、坐拥笑看云卷舒! 附:本人打工一族,媒体从业者一枚,业余兼职电商,计有淘宝店一家(陈家坊超市),跨境网店敦煌网一家(店名:mengyinghantang),欢迎光临指导。 (I work for a family, a media practitioner, an amateur part-time business, a Taobao shop, a cross border eBay, wish each, welcome to the guidance.

