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48 Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Seeking: Male 48 - 62
Body style: Average
Emily/Evelina birthday-1976/05 height:160cm weight:50-54kgs Location:Shenzhen (close to HK) My education: college My major:language-English Second foreign language-spanish --—-—------- I am beautiful temperature cheerful personality easy going person be kind to people good communication be honest be responsible good execution good healthy Good hobbies stable/simple life style -------------- Career history: 2005 year my son was 3 years old he can go to school-kindergarten So I returned to my career working experience: 1.International business salesman /exhibition - design products-control raw material- quality control) 2. My teacher experience Used to be an foreign English assistant- prepare teaching materials(worksheet also) Phonics i know that very well 3.as a teacher in a small kindergarten- I am good at courses such as science-orff music /English (phonics)/creative art Etc My part time job is selling grape wines among my Chinese friends All grape wine from an France company The company has office and store in Sz So if u add my WeChat and found i am doing grape wine pls do not to be weird. Make money is not shame haha I am not rich but Trying to make money haha --—----------------------------------------- About value: I never take sth that doesn't belong me. Never hurt to anyone because worry to be double punishment to get hope everyone can be treated friendly -------------------+---------------------- About relationship Hoping to find the right and suitable person here The Looking and wealthy are not important, it's about character and responsibility and commitment and the 3-views of the upbringing of the original family effected choose who to marry really different. Some people can be your light but some people will pulled out your light
44 Zhongshan, Guangdong, China
Seeking: Male 39 - 55
Body style: Average
Before text to me , please read my self-introduction . I am a Chinese dy, if you can not speak Chinese, don't worth, we Can communicate well via English. I have been single almost 10 years after divided (no kids ) . if you are single same as me many years, you would know how low of this way for seeing love and how eager we are for love! So I entirely seek a serious relationship here. You have to be patient, if you are not ready for long distance love Please don't other me , I don't want after months even years communication then, it only waste time .you can Not be handsome ,but your warm smile entirely will be atractive , you don't need be rich , but if you have an abundant Spirituals world and funny shoulder, child temper , and's the best , I really far hot-temper guide. If you have good sense of Humor , we can enjoy fun every day , except chemical action , the long-term and high quality relationship must be best Friend and playmate,so if we have some mutuual hobbies and interests,that would be nice, I like excercise , diance, Drawing, reading, never lose curiosity and the spin of exploration like traveling , I am dynamic, outgoing, and Tenacious personen, love lagh, Fune, this is only from some asect , so I also have the ly's common character , black sense of security , sensor . Your love , carrying , responsibility will ring capability, that will underpin our feeds . as long as I see your Purity and feel your true offerings , I will return back all of my love, patieence, golf, enthusiasm. "Love is a Hundred years of lonelinux, until you meet the person who will unerving protect and guard you. At that moment, all The bitterness have a way home." I am waiting for you , my true lov
54 Tianjin, Tianjin, China
Seeking: Male 40 - 60
Body style: Average
32 Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Seeking: Male 30 - 50
Body style: Average
Hello, my name is Carrie from Guangzhou, China. Instead of describing myself with a list of adjectives, I’d like to share with you some of my past experience. ^_^ I have always been willing to take different challenges, and embrace the possibilities. With a Bachelor’s Degree in English, I worked as a TOEFL teacher for two years after graduation, helping students to get their desired results. Then I realized I didn’t want to get stuck in the classroom. I turned to new areas and started from scratch. I worked as assistant to the CEO in a tourism development company, during which I co-edited three books, and one of them ranked third in Amazon’s best-selling books on hotel industry in China. I worked as assistant to the CEO in an influential media company in China, Jiemian news Guangdong channel. I worked as a saleswoman in a chain convenience store in Guangzhou Metro, in order to find out how a chain store is run. Without any experience, I broke the sales record the first time I tried, probably because of my strong affinity and skills. ^_^ After trying lots of different things, I started up my own business. I co-founded a special online shopping mall, responsible for webpage design, website construction, UI design, etc. Although I’m not a typical IT girl, I’m always good at using tools to achieve my goals. Now I’m a co-founder of a chain bakery, a project for national veterans. I’m in charge of baking technique, product development and marketing. I’m so proud that my bakery is very popular with children, because most of our products are in really cute cartoon shape(rabbit, octopus, Breadman, etc.), in addition to good taste! You can see, I’m quite devoted to my career, always eager to learn and try something new. Now in my thirties, I want to turn a new page. I’m looking for someone with shared values to continue this journey.
54 Chongqing, Chongqing, China
Seeking: Male 52 - 65
Body style: Average
Hello! I come from Chongqing, China. My English name is Celia. Single, highly educated, and proficient in English. I have a. Stable job and enjoy facing everything with a smile. I think: I like you holding my hand for a walk; I like you to ride a bike with me; I enjoy cooking and enjoy your cooking skills, saving the taste of fruits; I prefer to lean in your arms to watch movies and enjoy music; I also like animals and plants, making them add joy to our lives. I love my hometown and love health care. As I am about to Retire, I dream of spreading Chinese medical culture around the world. I hope you also like my city - Chongqing, the Mountains and rivers, the night scenery, and the hot pot in Chongqing. I like dance, I like music, I like food, I like Flowers and plants, but I am not good at planting; I also like animals, I love the beauty of life, and I am grateful for the beauty that life brings us every day! I have a diligent and studious heart. I love nature and dream of having someone to ride with me, listen to birds singing And smell the fragrance of flowers... I like tranquillity, but I don't like crowded people, cars, and houses. I am Understanding and willing to help others. I hope you are the same, with love and patience. I hope we can trust and Resonate with each other. I enjoy a healthy lifestyle and good eating habits; I like romance and warmth, and I dream of men with a sense of family responsibility to explore wonderful fun together. I. Am very happy to move to your city and spend the rest of my life with you. I am an early riser, and when I get up, I am busy Taking care of the whole day's work. Vegetables and fruits are my favorites, and your favorites... I dream of waking up With you, taking a walk together, and slowly aging together. God wants us to meet, I am looking for a soul mate who Understands me, loves me, and loves me... is that you?
40 Changsha, Hunan, China
Seeking: Male 40 - 55
Body style: Average
Salut! Je m’applle YOYO et je ne suis pas célibataire. Je suis arrivée à la province du Guang dong en 2001 — Je travaillais comme opératrice de vis dans une usine électronique (JAPON). Je n’amais pas le poste et J’ai decidé d’étudier en autodidacte pour monter en grade. À ma grande surprise, ma famille m’a dit que cela ne sertà Rien. À l’encontre, je n’ai jamais abandonémon desir. Quelles annees plus tard, j’ai travaillé dans autre Compagnie (HONGKONG) comme employée de bureau. J’étais capable d’utilizer un ordinateur et d’autres Techniques.Toutes les choses que j’ai apprises se sont progresses. Cela a semblé que je faisais une réussite mais J’ai rencontré de nouvelles difficult és et des obstacles. C’est pourquoi je suis une guide certifiée. Je travaillais Dans l’industrie de tourisme. Je suis allée aux pays étrangers avant trois ans. Par exemple aux pays d’Euroupe, aux Etats-unis, en Australie, au Japon Au Sri Lanka, etc. Ce travail me donne une chance de savoir la langue francaise — L’une des langues les plus jolies du monde. Je suis heureuse d’apprendre le fançais avec vous. J’aime les musiques Populaires, j’adore le ciméma européen, j’aime aussi beaucoup les tableau. Je suis allée au musée du Louvre qui Conserve un grand nombre de precieux trésors historiques. Ces chef sd’oeurvres sont magnifiques. Je n’aime pas le R. N’b, le bruit. Je n’aime vraiment pas la pluie et je déteste découper le papier. Cette année, j’ai une novelle idée — Je voudrais passer le test IELTS, et j’irai au Canada. Wow! Que belle idée!

