
Florida Men Interested in Friendship

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52 Port Saint Lucie, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 28 - 47
I'm the guy who...will play with your hair, won't mind holding your cold hands, will go on long walks with you, is serious but also knows how to have fun, makes you laugh, join in on your random bursts of song, watches whatever you want just to spend time with you, let's his inner-child out sometimes, isn't afraid to be himself, stands up for what he believes in, will stand up for you and protect you, makes you feel like a princess, you can be completely yourself around, you can talk to about anything, will pray with you and for you, loves you, but loves God more. But most importantly, I'm the guy who will be your best friend. I am a devote Christian, first and foremost. I am an entrepreneur and teacher, with a passion for ministering to others. I am an artist and athlete. I plan to serve others in a ministry some day where I help people with their life and finances in a God-centered way. I'm a good man, attractive, loyal, and protective. I don't play games. God will always come first. My future spouse will always be the next most important thing in my life. I want kids and a life companion or help mate. I HATE cilantro! There...I said it! . Blech! I love Jesus. I support conservative values, my country, The Military, The Police, and our First Responders. I'm a Conservative, Evangelical Christian. Looking for the same. I believe in Grace, Prosperity, His Kingdom, and the Finished Works of Jesus Christ. I love cats, baby goats, highland cattle, and ducks (all animals really), creativity, and travel (which I always want to do together). I love family and want to have my own kids someday. What's most important is if we share the same interests, goals, beliefs, and spiritual agreement. Most importantly, does God want us together, to become stronger and share a common, higher purpose and calling for Him? I'm a good man. I'm strong, yet loving & gentle. I know how to love, serve, protect, and provide. I respect independence, intelligence, and who Christ made us to be. ~God Bless
46 Panama City, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 25 - 40
It's already 2 weeks gone since I enrolled this website.. I have seen a lot of scams and too many narrow mind women in this website even some of them education level has showing; Master Degreed or PHD Doctorate 😁😁😁 They don't use their brain to think logically about reality of the life. They dont understand some times, some people cannot stay in the location or country where orginally he/she was born and live there for rest of their life. Because life brings a lot of surprises to people either bad way or good way to make major changes in to their life about to move out from homeland. Those reasons can be family related or work purposes ( such as Government Employees, Military Personnel, Diplomatic Personnel, Business People, Academicians and such...) I am one of them. I am orginally from Turkey 🇹🇷 and I am 45 years old man with a 14 years old son. I've moved to United States in 2010. Then in 2011. I started to work for US. Government. The role of my job requires me to work outside America 🇺🇸 Currently I am not in Florida, because of my work requirements. and during my deployment. I am using local cellphone operator to get better and cheaper internet service in the area where we perform our missions. Since I enrolled this website some of women's who wants to meet me and talk with from whatsapp applications So well. Then, they changed after I sent my phone numbers. They automatically think I am a scams because of my phone number doesn't belongs to United States. I am just laughing to them and telling them Goodbye!!! In reality and honestly. I have my US phone numbers and Turkish phone numbers but I didn't linked them to whatsapp during my mission in middle east It's my personal preference and I would like to keep it as it is. I wish best to those who has good hearts and stay as honest in their life
45 Delray Beach, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 21 - 40
There's an error in my profile, I actually just turned 54. Fitness is very important to me. I'm a member of a Biking Club, I participate in Marathons, and Iron Man competitions. I love dancing, working out, Nutrition, Technology, cycling, camping, exploring and doing things with my own hands. I prefer to fix my car myself than give it to a Mechanic, I prefer to build my own computer than buy a new one. Probably just because I like to see how things work. I have a 15 year old son that I split custody with my ex. He is special needs, basically non verbal and with the mind of a child, but I keep him very busy. Every day we go on runs, we go cycling all the time. We go to Trampoline Parks, Karate, Gymnastics, the beach, surfing and MANY other activities. I usually also like to get annual passes to Disney Wolrd and Universal Studios and go to the parks 4 to 6 times a year. One of the issues i had with my ex is that even though she was younger than I, she could never keep up and I was mostly alone in taking care of my son, even when we were together. I'm extremely physically active and I'm of the mind that if you maintain high levels of physical activity, your aging process can slow dramatically so I'll probably always be very physically active. I have to say this because I've dated women half my age that tell me that one of the reasons they dated an older man was because they wanted someone who would just sit and watch TV with them and I'm sorry but that's not me. Sitting for 4 to 6 hours a day watching TV is just not something I can do for more than a day or two. As for my personality. I'm very sarcastic, I know there's a lot of people who find this annoying if that's the case I'm not for you ... LOL. I'm uncomfortable with silence so if you don't talk then I'm probably going to talk and I tend to talk A LOT, probably too much. It most likely stems from the fact that I read the entire World Book Encyclopedia when I was 12, then the entire Encyclopedia Britannica when I was 13. For that matter I've read hundreds of books, most were computer books, a lot were science fiction and some were just basic literature, like Fahrenheit 451. I grew up extremely poor, so I started my first business when I was 14 so I could buy shoes and clothes for my brother and sisters. When I was 16 I started a tile setting business, but a car hit me and put me out for almost a year, so I took that time to learn computers and eventually built a small tech company, focusing on helping small businesses in my area. By the time I had turned 50, I had started several businesses, some successful and some not so much. My point is that I've always been a very resourceful and hard working person that makes my vision of what I want come true. I've been married twice before, and have 6 kids as a result, but 5 are adults. My first wife cheated on me, supposedly because I worked too much (I did work too much). After giving her several chances to remain faithful, I divorced her after the 3rd time and 10 years. My second wife started off fantastic, at first we were inseparable and had an incredible life together. We had our son after being together for 6 years and married for a year. 4 years later he was diagnosed with Autism. Even though there was a lot of mental illness in her family, for some reason she blamed me and became very angry with me. We stopped being intimate and eventually even slept in different rooms. That lasted for almost a decade, eventually I couldn't take the loneliness and we separated. Unfortunately most American women are more interested in their careers than they are in their own family. Most of the women my age can't keep up with me, physically and sexually. Most of the younger women I meet just want to party ALL the time or are laser focused on their education and career. As usual, I've probably said too much. One of the things I can say however is that when my friends have had issues, like their car breaking down at 2AM, Friends needing a place to stay after their house burned down, Family needing financial help after a burglary, I'm the one they turn to because everyone knows I can be counted on. When I divorced my first wife, I paid off then gave her the house that her and my children were living in. When my ex and I separated, in addition to helping her financially, I took care of my son every time she needed me to, especially when she needed to work. I'm dependable, trustworthy, loyal, I keep promises, I'm helpful and friendly to my friends, my neighbors and family. I don't talk about people behind their backs, if I have an issue with someone I tell them directly and honestly. I'm courteous, I open doors for others, I'm polite to everyone and try to always use good manners. I'm kind to animals and people. More than once I've stopped to help wounded animals on the road and once even gave someone CPR who had been hit by a car. I try to teat others as I want to be treated. I don't hit women or use my physical superiority to intimidate the ones I love. I try to keep a cheerful attitude, I'm always cracking sarcastic jokes and I like to keep everyone smiling. I don't like to say no. I look for the bright side of life. Cheerfully do tasks that come your way. Try to help others be happy. I'm Thrifty, I work to pay my own way in life and help those I love, I try not to be wasteful. Use time, food, supplies, and resources wisely. I'm a clean person and expect anyone I'm with to keep your body and mind fit. Help keep your home and community clean. I'm Reverent toward God, my family and my woman. I also respect the beliefs, ideas and political opinions of others, while vigorously defending my own.
72 Orlando, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 50 - 65
Laughter, communication and a strong connection. How many couples do you know that just go through the motions? I want more. I want to be with someone who 'gets' me and I 'get' them. Conversation flows. lol That, and that cliche of a feeling of excitement when you look into someone's eyes. I guess they call it chemistry. It may be a cliche but it is true. I realize that dating sites can attract people wanting a variety of things, but please do not email me if you are not seeking something similar. I love being outside. Weekend getaways. Live music. No couch potatoes, please. There is too much to do and see! I believe that the 5 ingredients to a healthy relationship are: 1. Honesty 2. Respect 3. Communication 4. Trust 5. Loyalty ~ and Chemistry is a must, of course! Agree? I would like to close this profile and walk away happy, and knowing that I truly make someone happy. Ideally seeking my 'one and only' with the happy ending. Please be honest. We are all adults and all are worth honesty. If your picture doesn't look like you, please do not contact me. If you don't start out with honesty, how can trust ever be established? Have a nice day! Wishing everyone the best of luck in finding happiness. don't contact me if you don't have a USA visa or can not get one. If your photos are enhance or old, I'm not interested . If your under 50 years old. I'm not interested. I'm busy everyday. I enjoy living every day. I have everything I need. Just need someone to share it with. No one can really guess my age. Everyone one thinks I'm about 54. I

